Discover the groundbreaking exploration of the global academic profession in this riveting presentation. We delve into a massive study, examining digital footprints left in publications, adopting a large-scale, generational, and longitudinal approach to academic careers. Witness the fascinating exploration of 4.3 million nonoccasional scientists from 38 OECD countries, spanning the period of 1990-2021.
Behold the captivating transformation of the global distribution of young male and female scientists over time and across disciplines. Marvel at the power of global bibliometric data sources – structured Big Data – as we unlock their potential in analyzing scientists and scholars. We dive deep into four compelling dimensions: gender, age, discipline, and time.
Traditional aggregated data sources, like UNESCO, OECD, and Eurostat, pale in comparison as they fail to reveal the intricate and evolving gender dynamics within and across disciplines and age groups. Experience the quest for gender parity (50%/50%) like never before.
Join us as we unveil the limitations of bibliometric datasets in studying academic careers, expose various trade-offs, and contrast a global approach with a national-level approach. Engage in stimulating discussions on methodological choices, their implications, and witness the dawn of new opportunities to study academic careers on a global scale.
Bibliographic information:
Background paper to the Oxford seminar is the following: M. Kwiek, L. Szymula (2023). “Young Male and Female Scientists: A Quantitative Exploratory Study of the Changing Demographics of the Global Scientific Workforce”. arXiv preprint: (available online, open access).
Professor Marek Kwiek is Director of the Institute for Advanced Studies, AMU University of Poznan, Poland ( His research area is quantitative studies of science, with interests in globalization, academic profession, and international research collaboration. He has published 230 papers and his recent monograph is Changing European Academics: A Comparative Study of Social Stratification, Work Patterns and Research Productivity (Routledge, 2019). He published in Studies in Higher Education, Higher Education, Journal of Studies in International Education, Scientometrics, Journal of Informetrics, Journal of Economic Surveys etc. His recent invited seminars include Berkeley, Harvard, Stanford, Oxford, Beijing and Hong Kong, among others. An expert for the European Commission, USAID, OECD, World Bank, and UNESCO. He spent three years at North American universities, including the University of Virginia, UC Berkeley, NED in Washington, DC, and McGill University. A member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts (EASA) in Salzburg and Academia Europaea in London. Contact: Twitter: @Marek_Kwiek.