30th January 2024, 5.00 p.m.
Juan Antonio Senent de Frutos is professor of the Loyola University in Seville, working in the field of the philosophy of law and political philosophy. He is interested in early modern period and Jesuit thought. A visiting professor at different universities in Spain, Europe and Latin America. Senent de Frutos published several books, e.g. Ellacuría y los derechos humanos (Desclée, 1998) or, more recently, Francisco Suárez: Jesuits and the Complexities of Modernity (Brill, 2019). He coordinates the international research group PEMOSJ Jesuit Thought and Tradition in Modernity, associated with The Renaissance Society of America (at Fordham University, New York), composed of 36 researchers. He is the author of numerous book chapters and journal articles.