Lecture series

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Lecture series

IAS Invited Lecture Series in Legal History 2

Organizer: Dr. Piotr Alexandrowicz (piotr.alexandrowicz@amu.edu.pl) The second lecture series in legal history organized by CPH includes four lectures related to both European legal tradition and comparative legal history.

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IAS Invited Lecture Series in Legal History 1
Lecture series

IAS Invited Lecture Series in Legal History 1

Organizer: Dr. Piotr Alexandrowicz (piotr.alexandrowicz@amu.edu.pl) This lecture series is organized by the oldest Polish journal of legal history, Czasopismo Prawno-Historyczne (CPH; Legal History Journal), published by the Faculty

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Lecture series

IAS Invited Lecture Series in Tyranny and Freedom in the Sixteenth Century Europe

To delve into this significant historical era, five well-regarded scholars and historians with expertise in political theory have been invited to provide open academic lectures. The series of discussions is set to commence with an exploration of Machiavelli, a pivotal figure in the realm of early modern political thought. Throughout the series, various crucial subjects will be addressed, including the Protestant Reformation, Tudor England, Habsburg Spain, and Poland-Lithuania.

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Lecture series

IAS Invited Lecture Series in Psychology III

IAS Invited Lecture Series in Psychology guests will speak on issues of utmost importance in clinical and social psychology. The latest research findings on the consequences of conspiracy theories for societies help prepare researchers, students, and practitioners alike for a more informed perception and application of psychological knowledge.

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The series of five open, online lectures in English is titled: IAS Invited Lecture Series in Psychology of Second Language Learning and Teaching. It will focus on selected psychological processes underlying SLA, in particular individual difference factors in learners and teachers, but also the way in which such processes affect instructional practices, in particular with respect to pronunciation.
Lecture series

IAS Invited Lecture Series in Psychology of Second Language Learning and Teaching

The series of five open, online lectures in English is titled: IAS Invited Lecture Series in Psychology of Second Language Learning and Teaching. It will focus on selected psychological processes underlying SLA, in particular individual difference factors in learners and teachers, but also the way in which such processes affect instructional practices, in particular with respect to pronunciation.

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