An international webinar series hosted by the Institute for Advanced Studies, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań.
Jaume Peris Blanes, University of Valencia (Spain)
Professor of Latin American Literature and Culture at the University of Valencia. His main field of research has been the forms and representations of political violence in Latin America and Spain, as well as the construction of social and cultural memory in post-dictatorial societies. He has dedicated several studies to testimonial literature and to contemporary memory cultures. He has published the books La imposible voz. Memoria y representación de los campos de concentración en Chile (2005) and Historia del testimonio chileno. De las estrategias de denuncia a las políticas de memoria (2008). He is the director of Kamchatka. Revista de análisis cultural, edited by the Department of Spanish Philology of the Universitat de València. In that journal he has published a special issue on “Avatares del testimonio en América Latina: tensiones, contradicciones, relecturas” and a dossier on “Creación colectiva, sinautoría y cooperativismo en la cultura contemporánea” He recently coordinated the volume “Ficciones inmunitarias. Relatos culturales del contagio y la amenaza” in Papeles del CEIC.
Norma Elia Cantú, Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas (USA)
Norma Elia Cantú currently serves as the President of the American Folklore Society and Murchison Professor of the Humanities at Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas, where she teaches Latinx and Chicanx Studies. She focuses on the US-Mexico border for her research and scholarly work as well as her poetry, fiction and personal essays. She has coedited over 10 books on a number of subjects including Texas Studies (Entre Guadalupe y Malinche: Tejanas in Literature and Art), and Chicano Folklore (Chicana Traditions: Continuity and Change and Dancing Across Borders: Danzas y Bailes Mexicanos). Her research and creative writing have earned her an international reputation, and she is a frequent keynote and plenary invited speaker. Her award-winning Canícula: Snapshots of a Girlhood en la Frontera, is taught in numerous universities in the US and in Europe. She recently published the co-edited anthologies meXicana Fashions: Politics, Self-Adornment, and Identity Construction and Teaching Gloria E. Anzaldúa: Pedagogies and Practices for our Classrooms and Communities, Cabañuelas, a novel, and Meditación Fronteriza: Poems of Love, Life, and Labor.
Carmen Flys-Junquera, University of Alcalá (Spain)
Carmen Flys-Junquera has recently retired as Associate Professor of American Literature and Ecocriticism of the University of Alcalá (Spain). She has co-edited several books devoted to ecocriticism (Paisajes Culturales: Herencia y Conservación 2010; Ecocríticas. Literatura y Medio Ambiente, 2010; Sense of Place: Transatlantic Perspectives 2016; Visualizando el cambio. Humanidades ambientales 2020; Imaginative Ecologies: Inspiring Change through the Humanities –forthcoming Brill/Rodopi) as well as special ecocritical issues of Spanish journals. She served as the President of EASLCE for the 2010-2012 term and founded the only ecocritical research group in Spain, GIECO ( She is founder and Editor in Chief of the journal Ecozon@. European Journal of Literature, Culture and Environment ( and directs an ecocritical book series, CLYMA, in the Franklin Collection. Her publications deal with contemporary ethnic American literatures, sense of place, ecocriticism, environmental justice and ecofeminism, as well as ecocritical analyses of contemporary Spanish novels.
Diana Klinger, Universidade Federal Fluminense (Brazil)
Diana Klinger is Associated Professor of Literary Theory, with focus on Theory, Brazilian and South American Contemporary Literature, on the Graduate and Undergraduated Program on Literary Studies at Fluminense Federal University (UFF). She is a Research Fellow from of the National Post-Graduated and Research Council (Conselho Nacional de Pósgraduação e Pesquisa) (CNPQ) – since 2015 and Coordinator of the Research Group “Theoretical and critical thought on the present” (Pensamento teórico crítico sobre o contemporâneo), under the National Post-Graduated and Research Council (Conselho Nacional de Pós-graduação e Pesquisa) (CNPQ) – since 2011. She published Literatura e ética. Da forma para a força. (Rio de Janeiro: Rocco, 2014.) and Escritas de si, escritas do outro. O retorno do autor e a virada etnográfica. (Rio de Janeiro: 7 Letras, 2. ed., 2012. First edition 2008), and Indicionário do contemporâneo. (Belo Horizonte: UFMG, 2018. v. 1. 263p . (coedition and co-authorship).
Christian Claesson, Lund University (Sweden)
Christian Claesson is Associate Professor of Hispanic Literatures at Lund University. He received his Ph. D. in Romance Languages at Harvard University in 2009, with a dissertation on the works of Juan José Saer and Juan Carlos Onetti. Since then, he has worked on World Literature, within the frame of the research program Cosmopolitan and Vernacular Dynamics in World Literature, on Spanish contemporary postcrisis literature, and on the intersection of literature in Spanish, Catalan, Basque and Galician. He is the editor of Narrativas precarias: Crisis y subjetividad en la cultura española actual (2019) and the forthcoming España pluriliteraria: Literatura, lengua y política en la cultura contemporánea (2021)
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