The key strategic objectives of the IDUB Project include:

  1. Radically increasing the internationalization of research—with a focus on international strategic partnerships.
  2. Increasing the effectiveness of securing research funding from national and European funds—implementing an effective support system. 
  3. Improving the effectiveness of publishing in top-ranked scientific journals of—implementing an effective support system. 
  4. Reorganizing of the Adam Mickiewicz University in relation to the development and operation of Priority Research Areas (POBs).
  5. Establishing and further development of an Institute for Advanced Studies in Social Sciences and the Humanities—aggregating scientific potential in social sciences and the humanities. 
  6. Establishing strong ties between funding for University units and funding for researchers and research-and-teaching staff with scholarly output. 
  7. Increasing internationalization of both the research and the faculty staff—implementing the “AMU Excellence Visiting Postdoctoral Researchers” and “AMU Excellence Visiting Professors” programs. 
  8. Establishment of the Doctoral School of Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań and its strong internationalization. 
  9. Retooling second-cycle programs toward research-based learning. 
  10. Implementing an effective talent management system. 


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